Saturday, May 9, 2020

Similarities and Dissimilarities Between Shelley and Keats

Similarities and dissimilarities Though P. B. Shelley and John Keats were mutual friends, but they have possessed the diversified qualities in their creativity. These two are the great contributors of English Literature, though their lifecycle were very short. Their comparison are also little with each other, while each are very much similar in thoughts, imagination, creation and also their lifetime. 01) Attitude towards the Nature P. B. Shelley: Whereas older Romantic poets looked at nature as a realm of communion with pure existence and with a truth preceding human experience, the later Romantics looked at nature primarily as a realm of overwhelming beauty and aesthetic pleasure. While Wordsworth and Coleridge often write about nature†¦show more content†¦Autumn is when, as Shelley writes, the winged seeds are placed in their dark wintry bed and lie cold and low. And Keats writes that autumn is the time when the hazel shells are plump with a sweet kernel; to set budding more. These similarities between the two pieces are interesting; however there are many differences in the poems as well. Keats and Shelley express different emotions about the fallseason. Shelley looks at autumn as being wild and fierce while Keats has a more gentle view of the season. Shelley perceives autumn as an annual death, calling it Thou dirge/Of the dying year, and he uses words such as corpse and sepulchre in the poem. He also employs wor ds such as hectic and tameless, and looks upon the autumn horizon as being the locks of the approaching storm. Also, he claims the autumn winds are where black rain and fire and hail will burst. Lines such as this reveal the speakers attitude that autumn is a ferocious and reckless season bearing morbid portence of the coming winter. On the other hand, Keats fills his poem with lighter words such as mellow, sweet, patient, and soft. The speaker of this poem looks out upon the landscape and hears the full-grown lambs loudbleat from hilly bourn, and listens as the gathering swallows twitter in the skies. These lines indicate a much softer and moreamiable emotion felt by the speaker; sentiments quite opposite to those felt in Ode to the West

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