Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Effective culture of the new employees Term Paper

Effective culture of the new employees - Term Paper Example The world of work has rapidly been changing; changes appear to be happening more drastically. As part of an industrial organization, the human resource management (HRM) has to deal with a numerous effects in the changing world of work. This means that an organization does suffer implications like globalization, work force diversity, technological changes, changing skills requirement, employment involvement, continuous improvement initiatives and labour shortages (Bradley, 1998). New employee orientation covers the activities involved in introducing a new employee to the organizations up to one’s work unit. It expands on the information received during the recruitment and selection stages and helps to reduce the initial anxiety one feels when beginning a new job. The orientation program should familiarize the new member with the organizations objectives, history, philosophy, procedures and rules. It should communicate relevant policies such as work hours, pay procedures, overtime requirements and company benefits. Functions of a culture includes: Creating distinction between one organization and others, conveying a sense of identity for organizations members and facilitating the generation of commitment to something longer than other individual’s interest. It also enhances the stability of social system. More so employees do look up to the top management’s behaviour as a bench mark for defining appropriate behaviour. As such, culture communicates ethical expectations in an organization. The code of ethics are effectively designed and disseminated to avoid ambiguities in an organization. The code of ethics therefore, should state the organization’s primary values and ethical rules that employees are expected to follow. Dissemination is through; providing ethical training, setting up seminars, workshops and ethical training programs

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