Tuesday, December 24, 2019

An Understanding About Autism And Schizophrenia Essay

You may think that autism is a disorder that was recently discovered. Yet, it has been around for decades, it is only now that there is more knowledge about the condition. There are documented researches, articles, and journals that come across different aspects of autism. Recently I have decided to do my own investigation because I too have a brother who is autistic. I have noticed that this condition is interpreted as a whole but there are more categories that fall into it. My goal in this paper is to give you more of an understanding about autism along with its history, characteristics, and experiences from others. Historical Context Since the early nineteenth century, Eugen Bleuler, a Swiss psychiatrist was the first to use the term autism to identify schizophrenic patients. Autism and schizophrenia correlated in the minds of doctors and psychologists for many years until they started differentiating them. A German scientist named Hans Asperger describes a milder form of autism now known as Asperger s Syndrome (Sole-Smith). The cases he reported were all boys who were highly intelligent but had trouble with social interactions and specific obsessive interests (Sole-Smith). The word autism is rooted from the Greek word aulos, describing people who are socially impaired with an emotional barrier. According to Autism,† Gale states, According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as of 2012, about 1 in 68 out of 1,000 children were diagnosed withShow MoreRelatedThe Myth Of Mental Illness750 Words   |  3 PagesMarquiel Dodson 12/10/15 Psychology 201 Dr. Streeter Final Exam I enjoyed every bit of this Introduction to Psychology class. I put together many things about myself and my own life that I didn’t notice before. Now that I have been introduced to the realm of psychology I have a much better understanding of the reasons of behavior that is around me every day. During this semester in Psychology 201 one very interesting thing we covered was The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas Szasz. In this bookRead MoreInformational Essay on Autism598 Words   |  3 PagesAutism About 1 percent of the world population has autism spectrum disorder. (CDC, 2014) Autism is the fastest growing developmental disability. Autism is defined by a certain set of behaviors and is a spectrum disorder that effects individuals differently. Autism is a serious and lifelong developmental disability. On its own, autism is not a learning disability or a mental health problem. To go further back into history, autism was first recognized in the early years of the 20th century byRead MoreAutism : The Rise Of Autism962 Words   |  4 Pages Autism awareness Parents try their best to keep their children from getting hurt or sick, but no matter how hard they try, sometimes something will always go wrong. We cannot avoid all uncertainties; Autism is among one of these uncertainties that parents try their best to avoid. According to the center for disease control One out of every one hundred and fifty children are born with autism each year in America, that is one percent of American children with autism, eighty percent of which are maleRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Autism ) Essay1739 Words   |  7 PagesIn 1943 a child psychiatrist named Leo Kanner wrote about a group of children who were apathetic to their family members and made odd and repetitive movements. A year later, Hans Asperger observed similar behavior in another group of children, also noting a lack of understanding of social conventions (Lai, 2014). These two observations would be the beginning of a disorder known as the Autism Spectrum Disorder. This developmental di sorder, characterized by a range of deficits in different areas, isRead MoreThe Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, places autism in a more1000 Words   |  4 PagesDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, places autism in a more extensive diagnostic bracket called autism spectrum disorder. This encompasses a range of autism-related disorders that vary in severity. It is one of the most severe, chronic, behavioral disorders of childhood. Swiss psychiatrist Eugene Bleuler referred to autistic disorder as an unusual way of thinking among people with schizophrenia. A more in-depth explanation of autistic thinking is the propensity to viewRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder1493 Words   |  6 Pagesobsessive compulsive disorder and many more. Diagnosing autism does not include medical test but instead a team of physiologists and physicians observe the child during an autism-specific behavior evaluations and in some cases gen etic testing is needed. The exact cause of autism is still unknown although there are many factors that play a role in it for example mother’s weight, teratogens and genetics. There is prenatal diagnosis of autism known as chromosomal microarray (CMA), the technology detectsRead MoreProblems Surrounding Schizophrenia1497 Words   |  6 PagesProblems Surrounding Schizophrenia Believe it or not, schizophrenia is a serious mental problem that has been around for much longer than most people tend to think. Most professionals are certain that schizophrenia is a disease process that takes place within the brain and that the disease is, in fact, influenced greatly by certain life experiences(Anderson 80). The one significant problem surrounding schizophrenia is that no one is absolutely positive as to what causes schizophrenia and of how itRead MoreThe Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Adhd )816 Words   |  4 Pageson the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), learning disabilities, Sensory Processing Disorder, or Central Auditory Processing Disorder. These children wanted to make a video to tell teachers about how their brain works. It makes clear that not all students learn alike. A teacher may think that a child is misbehaving if the child is leaning back and forth on their chair, but little do they know that i s how they concentrate. Learning about AutismRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1042 Words   |  5 PagesAutism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to a group of neural development disorders characterized by patterns of demeanor. This disorder causes difficulties with social, communication and behavior challenges. There are developmental resources that help identify children with ASD at a very early age. 1 in every 88th child will be diagnosed with this disorder. On average, boys are five times more predisposed to have autism than girls. There is no scientific test can be used to test out someone who willRead MoreA Brief History of Autism Essay1389 Words   |  6 PagesThe term autism was first used by psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler in 1908. He used it to describe one of his patients that had schizophrenia. He used it to describe his patient who had withdrawn into his own world. The pioneers of the study of ASDs were Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger. They both worked separately and studied different children. In their research, both of their studies showed that the children that they were studying showed similar characteristics. Both Kanner’s and Asperger’s children had

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Overview Of Sport Injury Types Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

string(316) " bone has been twisted Compact Fracture: Bone fragments are driven into each other All types of breaks should be treated by a medical professional where an X ray can be taken and the extent of the hurt can be assessed which from this point will originate start of the healing procedure aided by a medical procedure\." For this subdivision of my portfolio I am traveling to cover hurts in athletics and choose a specific hurt to reason an in-depth survey on how it the hurt was sustained, how it can be treated in add-on to taking stairss to forestall a return of the hurt. Within featuring engagement there are many hurts that can happen of which can be classified into major and minor hurts. Additionally within these to classs there are legion hurts sustained through impact, pulling and nonvoluntary motions. We will write a custom essay sample on Overview Of Sport Injury Types Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Minor hurts are really common in featuring activities in peculiar those affecting physical contact such as Rugby and Football. These peculiar hurts are associated with being minor as the damaged caused is really little and chiefly necessitate really small or no intervention at all due to the natural healing procedure of the organic structure. Some extremely common illustrations of minor hurts in athletics are cuts, abraises and contusions. Cuts: A cut is referred to as a split in the surface of the tegument normally by crisp object with some being more serious than others. A little cut will non perforate through the whole proportion of tegument and will normally scab over as a consequence of the organic structures natural mending mechanisms. In comparing a deeper more acute cut can be significantly unsafe as constructions below the surface of the tegument such as nervousnesss, sinews and blood vass can be damaged. However despite the difference between the two cuts are prone to infection and at hazard of been extremely contaminated, therefore it is extremely recommended that all cuts are treated the same by rinsing it out and covering it with first assistance equipment such as a plaster to cut down the hazard of little fragments of soil acquiring indoors. An illustration during a sporting activity when a cut is likely to happen would be during the athletics of Rugby when a ruck/mall is go oning and participants on the land may be by chance stamped on by the he-man of a rugby boot doing a cut and the expel of blood. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.nhs.uk/conditions/cuts-and-grazes/Pages/Introduction.aspx Bruises: A contusion normally occurs as a consequence of harm to muscle tissue underneath the teguments surface in which capillaries, venulas and arterias are damaged due to a sudden impact. This harm causes internal hemorrhage to distribute into countries environing the tissue as a consequence of physical compaction from the blood vass into the musculus tissue and top beds of the teguments surface which causes a seeable dull ruddy and violet coloring material beneath the tegument which is accompanied by stamp hurting. The alterations in coloring material of the contusions initiates that the healing of the accomplished country is taking topographic point by rhenium adsorbing the blood. Finally after an approximative two hebdomad period the contusion will vanish. It is possible for everybody to prolong a contusion but single differences within people determine the consequence of the contusion and how easy it is healed. For a athleticss performing artist there musculus tissue is strong er comparison to person who doesn amp ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢t participate in athletics significance that it would be more hard to damage the connective tissue. Prevention of contusions is about an inevitable factor from an impact apart from have oning protective vesture, nevertheless the mending procedure can be sped up utilizing simple first assistance techniques. Using an ice battalion will cut down the swelling around the damaged country and cut down the blood flow which will cut down the sum of blood throw outing from the tissue. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.nhs.uk/conditions/cuts-and-grazes/Pages/Introduction.aspx hypertext transfer protocol: //www.medicinenet.com/bruises/article.htm Major Injuries Unlike minor hurts, major hurts sustained can hold really serious damaging effects and in some really terrible instances can even take to human death. The hurts frequently cause assorted damage to normal bodily maps and necessitate important degrees of intervention in order for the healing procedure to be effectual. Engagement in athletics particularly those affecting physical contact increase the likeliness of major hurts happening and can consequence many parts of the organic structure. Bone Fractures: A bone break is classed as a medical status that causes a interruption in the continuity of the bone as a consequence of high impact or forceful emphasis and force per unit area. However bone upsets such as osteoporosis can take to a weakening of the bone doing them prone to breaks which can be a consequence of overexploitation of the joint in athleticss such as golf and tennis. Common breaks are recognised as either being an unfastened or closed break. An closed and simple break are those which do no perforate a proportion of the tegument and due to the fact there is no hazard of infection immediate intervention International Relations and Security Network A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢t necessary nevertheless professional advice and intervention will be mandatory. In add-on closed breaks can detrimental if the affected country is moved one time the hurt is sustained ensuing in possible damaged tissue. Closed breaks will be accompanied by a stain and swelling. On the othe rhand an unfastened and compound break is a interruption of the bone that does perforate the tegument. Open breaks are at a much greater hazard because they are at high hazard of taint, hence has to be treated instantly by cleaning the lesion exhaustively taking soil and so antibiotic aswell as surgical intervention will follow. Additionally a minor break compared to an unfastened and closed is recognised as a multi-fragmentary break where a splitting of the bone occurs into legion pieces. The followers are other bone breaks that can be a consequence of a clean hurt: Complete Fracture: Bone fragments wholly separate Incomplete Fracture: Bone fragments are still partly joined Linear Fracture: Fracture is parallel to original bone axis Cross Fracture: Right angle break from the bone axis Oblique Fracture: Diagonal break from the castanetss axis Coiling Fracture: At least one portion of the bone has been twisted Compact Fracture: Bone fragments are driven into each other All types of breaks should be treated by a medical professional where an X ray can be taken and the extent of the hurt can be assessed which from this point will originate start of the healing procedure aided by a medical procedure. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-closed-fracture.htm hypertext transfer protocol: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bone_fracture Concussion: Concussion is the most common result as a consequence of a encephalon hurt normally happening from an impact sustained to an country of the caput and can even be life endangering in really terrible instances. A mild instance of concussion will ensue in a province of shock and being unconscious for a brief period of clip. However a terrible instance of concussion involves a drawn-out period in being unconscious and returning to a normal province. This impermanent intervention of the encephalons map can consequence memory, opinion, balance and coordination. Concussion can happen easy within a athletics such as a clang of caputs during a football game. An impact hurt to the encephalon can do contusing which will take to the lacrimation of blood vass and damaged to nervousnesss doing abnormalcy in the map of the encephalon. The braincase which surrounds the encephalon comes into contact with fast acceleration of the encephalon taking to concussion. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.emedicinehealth.com/concussion/article_em.htm Muscular Injuries: Injuries to the musculuss can be really painful and can forestall performing artists from taking portion in physical activity for a drawn-out period of clip. Common muscular hurts in athleticss performing artists are musculus strains that can be a consequence of an uneffective warm up or an overstretch whereby harm is sustained to the musculus and attaching sinews. Muscle harm can be a tear of portion or all musculus fibers and the sinews attached to the musculus which can besides take blood vass being damaged which consequences in bruising and hurting caused by the annoyance on nervus terminations. A musculus strain will consequence athleticss performing artists in different ways such how strong and flexible the musculus is, therefore are less common in gymnasts compared to Rugby participants. Common symptoms originating from a musculus strain are ; swelling of the effectual country, inability to travel the musculus to its full potency and hurting in that country. For a athleticss performing artist it is imperative that a musculus hurt is treated right as the damaged musculus are likely to be used once more in featuring engagement when recovered. Ensure that the period of clip out of athletics is long plenty to mend and so strength preparation exercisings are carried out to re-build the musculus. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.emedicinehealth.com/muscle_strain/article_em.htm Muscle spasm occurs as a consequence of musculus weariness in voluntary musculuss which is closely associated with a cramp that occur in nonvoluntary musculuss. Voluntary motion is what a person can consciously command such as motion when running leting for the musculus to contract and relax. However when a spasm occurs the musculus contracts but doesn A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢t return back to its original relaxed province doing an intense hurting and can happen from between a few seconds to a one-fourth or an hr before it is eventually alleviated. Muscle spasm occurs when a performing artist is working at high strength exercising for a long continuance in which they use of the aerophilic system is no longer equal and hence the lactic acid energy system must be used. Stored ATP ( adenosine tri phosphate ) is the lone useable energy beginning in the organic structure and is provided by Glycogen. The animal starch is broken down by an enzyme known as phosphofrukto kinase into pyruvic a cid, nevertheless because the proportion of C dioxide compared to oxygen in the musculuss it is broken down into lactic acid. As the high strength exercising is sustained OBLA ( oncoming of blood lactate accretion ) occurs where the physique of lactic acid is greater than the remotion. Due to the sourness in the musculus the map of the enzymes to breakdown lactic acid Don A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢t function decently and the remotion is less efficient. This can take to lactic acid toxic condition. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.medicinenet.com/muscle_cramps/article.htm Ligament Injuries: The most common but less annihilating ligament hurt is a musculus sprain. A sprain is an hurt to the strong hempen tissue that connects bone to cram known as a ligament which involves pulling and the lacrimation of tissue. Sprains are really common in delicate countries such as the mortise joint and carpus when a batch of force per unit area applied by the mass of your organic structure onto that ligament when normally falling over. Symptoms of a sprain are common to those of a hurt to a musculus with induced hurting, swelling, bruising and the inability to travel and map adequately. hypertext transfer protocol: //sportsmedicine.about.com/cs/injuries/a/sprains.htm Rice: Rest Ice Compression Elevation is an extra first assistance technique that can be applied for intervention and mending procedure of the hurt. When an hurt occurs to a damaged country in can ensue in puffiness, contusion or shed blooding doing the country to go inflamed. Using the four constituents of RICE and cut down swelling, alleviate pigment and protect damaged musculus tissue which in combination with each other will rush up the healing procedure. Remainder: There two really important grounds for a remainder period after an hurt has been sustained. Firstly it is indispensable that any harm to muscle tissue, ligaments or sinews are kept protected by restricting motion around that country which will cut down the hazard of any possible farther harm happening. Second for the healing procedure to happen efficaciously, the organic structure needs to bring forth certain sums of energy and minerals which would otherwise be used up during exercising. Ice: An ice battalion should be applied to the injured country with force which can be done by wrapping a towel around the ice battalion to keep force per unit area. The cold can supply impermanent alleviation of hurting in add-on to cut downing the swelling as the rate of blood flow is reduced intending less blood is traveling to the accomplished country. However considerations need to take topographic point when using a cold compress as a drawn-out exposure to the cold can take to damage to the tegument therefore is recommended 15-20 proceedingss three times a twenty-four hours. Compaction: Similar to the usage of ice, compacting the accomplished country can cut down the swelling around the hurt which can re direct the blood off from the country. A simple compress can be using a patch nevertheless should non be applied to tightly as this can do other deductions. Elevation: Again lift of the affected country can cut down swelling as the blood flows off from injured tissue which is really effectual if the country can be raised above the degree of the bosom. An hurt to an mortise joint can be elevated by puting the pes on pillows. Many minor hurts such as musculus sains and strains will normally retrieve after a few yearss of using the RICE technique. Once recovered it may so be necessary for an person to hold physical therapy where visible radiation rub downing can help in the formation of tissue hypertext transfer protocol: //sportsmedicine.about.com/cs/rehab/a/rice.htm How to cite Overview Of Sport Injury Types Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Regime Design Matters Essay Example For Students

Regime Design Matters Essay Too many people assume, generally without having given any serious thought to its character or its history, that international law is and always has been a sham. Others seem to think that it is a force with inherent strength of its own Whether the cynic or sciolist is the less helpful is hard to say, but both of them make the same mistake. They both assume that international law is a subject on which anyone can form his opinions intuitively, without taking the trouble, as one has to do with other subjects, to inquire into the relevant facts. —J. L. Brierly Regime design matters.1 International treaties and regimes have value if and only if they cause people to do things they would not otherwise do. Govern ments spend considerable resources and effort drafting and refining treaty language with the (at least nominal) aim of making treaty compliance and effectiveness more likely. This article demonstrates that whether a treaty elicits compliance or other desired behavioral changes depends upon identifiable characteristics of the regime’s compliance systems.2 As negotiators incorporate certain rules into a regime and exclude others, they are making choices that have crucial implications for whether or not actors will comply. For decades, nations have negotiated treaties with simultaneous hope that those treaties would produce better collective outcomes and skepticism about   the ability to influence the way governments or individuals act. Both lawyers and political scientists have theorized about how international legal regimes ca n influence behavior and why they often do not.3 Interest in issues of compliance and verification has a long history in the field of nuclear arms control.4 More recently, this interest in empirically evaluating how interna tional institutions, regimes, and treaties induce compliance and influence behavior has broadened to include other security areas as well as international trade and finance.5 Concern over the fate of the earth’s environment recently has prompted a further extension into questions of whether and how environ mental treaties can be made more effective at eliciting compliance and achieving their goals.6 Researchers in all these issue-areas face two critical questions. First, given that power and interests play important roles in determining behavior at the international level, is any of the compliance we observe with international treaties the result of the treaty’s influence? Second, if treaties and regimes can alter behavior, what strategies can those who negotiate and design regimes use to elicit the greatest possible compliance? This article addresses both these questions by empirically evaluating the international regime controlling inten tional oil pollution. Numerous efforts to increase the regime’s initially low levels of compliance provide data for comparing the different strategies for eliciting compliance within a common context that holds many important   explanatory variables constant. The goal of the treaties underlying this regime has been to reduce intentional discharges of waste oil by tankers after they deliver their cargoes. Since the late 1970s, these treaties have established two quite different compliance syst ems, or â€Å"subrcgimcs,† to accomplish this goal. One has prohibited tanker operators from discharging oil in excess of specified limits. The other has required tanker owners to install expensive pollution reduction equipment by specified dates. Treaty parties viewed both subregimes as equally legitimate and equally binding.7 The two subregimes regulated similar behavior by the same nations and tankers over the same time period. The absence of differences in power and interests would suggest that compliance levels with the two subrcgimcs would be quite similar.8 According to collective action theory, these cases are among the least likely to provide support for the hypothesis that regime design matters: subregime provisions required the powerful and concentrated oil industry to incur large pollution control costs to provide diffuse benefits to the public at large.9 Indeed, the lower cost of complying with discharge limits would suggest that compliance would be higher with those limits than with equipment requirements. Not surprisingly, violations of the limits on discharges have occurred frequently, attesting to the ongoing incentives to violate the agreement and confirming the characterization of oil pollution as a difficul t collaboration problem.10 A puzzle arises, however, from the fact that contrary to expectation compliance has been all but universal with requirements to install expensive equipment that provided no economic benefits. Consideration while designing EssayA study of â€Å"treaty compliance† would aggregate violation of one provision with compliance with another, losing valuable empirical information.17 Restricting study to the explicit rules in a treaty-based regime allows the analyst to distinguish compliance from noncom pliance in clear and replicable ways. Obviously, a focus on explicit rules ignores other potential mechanisms of regime influence, such as norms, principles, and   processes of knowledge creation.18 However, this restrictive definition has the virtue of bringing the debate to a level at which research on actual treaties and actual compliance can contribute to the intellectual and policy debates. This article evaluates the features of a regime that may determine compli ance by differentiating among three parts of any compliance system: a primary rule system, a compliance information system, and a noncompliance response system. The primary rule system consists of the actors , rules, and processes related to the behavior that is the substantive target of the regime. In the choice of who gets regulated and how, the primary rule system determines the pressures and incentives for compliance and violation. The compliance information system consists of the actors, rules, and processes that collect, analyze, and disseminate information on instances of violations and compli ance. Self-reporting, independent monitoring, data analysis, and publishing comprise the compliance information system that determines the amount, quality, and uses made of data on compliance and enforcement. The noncom pliance response system consists of the actors, rules, and processes governing the formal and informal responses—the inducements and sanctions employed to induce those in noncompliance to comply. The noncompliance response system determines the type, likelihood, magnitude, and appropriate ness of responses to noncompliancc. These categories provide the framework used in the remainder of this article to evaluate the oil pollution regime’s sources of success and failure in its attempt to elicit compliance.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Two Communication And Technology Reflection Essay Example For Students

Two Communication And Technology Reflection Essay The choices that I make in High School are very important. I know if I do not handle everything I need to, it will not be a good thing when I do not participate in the graduation. This part of my portfolio is called the communication and technology section, to demonstrate these skills I chose the following items: First on the list is Oral Communication and Listening Skills. I included my interview presentation. Second/Third section are, Written Communication and a word-processed document, to show that I have met these requirements I included my Kaffir Boy Project. Fourth on the list is send information using e-mail, for this I have included copies of e-mails that I have sent and received. Last is create, edit and analyze information using a spreadsheet or database, I included a spreadsheet for this part. My interview presentation meets the requirements of Oral Communication and Listening Skills. It meets the requirements because in this I had to listen to the person I was interviewing. I also had to take notes and come up with a presentation that I would make to the class. We will write a custom essay on Two Communication And Technology Reflection specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now For this assignment I was expected to listen to the person I interviewed, and be able to record and present what was recorded during the interview. After the interview was finished I develop a presentation and give an oral report to the class. The Kaffir Boy Project that I did shows written communication in the following ways. I was to read a story from my World Literature book, take notes, write an essay and present it to my class. This demonstrates my ability to communicate bot through written word and orally written communications. Because I used a word processor to type this report this project also meets the requirements. To meet the e-mail requirement, I sent an e-mail to me advisor Mr. Clunn. About 3 days later I received a reply, included are copies of both e-mails. Last year in my business application class we were to come up with our own spreadsheet. The spreadsheet that I came up with had to do with a few of my peers and shoe sizes. The point of the spreadsheet was to show that boy the same age as girls, usually have bigger feet; a copy of the spreadsheet is included. As I go on trying to do everything that I can to graduate, I think back to what I should have been doing so that my senior year would not be so hard. I remember times that I should have been doing homework instead of putting it aside to do unnecessary things. I wish that I would have done things differently, and thought about how

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Journey of Sojouner Truth essays

The Journey of Sojouner Truth essays Her name is Isabella Van Wagner born into Slavery in 1797. She was one of twelve children parented by Elizabeth and James Wagner. Her brother and sisters were scattered on different plantations throughout the world. Therefore, she never knew any of them. She was from Hurley, Ulster County, New York. Charles Hardenbergh owned both of her parents. John J. Dumont owned her. Therefore, she never had any physical contact with her parents. Isabella had an arranged marriage to a man named Thomas. The two of them had five children throughout their marriage. All of her children were sold as slaves. Imagine how she felt having to watch her children sold to hard life of brutality. Isabella could not do anything about it. In order to survive as Isabella did through slavery, strength and courage were the main factors. It has been said by many researchers that Isabella ran away from Dumont in 1827. However, it has also been said that she was released following the New York Anti Slavery Law of 1827. Therefore, the truth is very unclear to me. I am not sure how Isabella was freed. After she was freed, she lived with a Quaker family. She stayed there for quite some time using their surname. During the time that she stayed there, they helped her retrieve one of her daughters by the name of Sophia. From 1829 to 1843, Isabella supported herself by domestic work, at the same time she was searching for lifes deeper thoughts and meanings. She became a religious mystic and took on the name Sojourner Truth. Trying to save the world by preaching against sin, including the sin of slavery. She was an outspoken advocate of womens rights. Sojourner spoke with a deep voice, and powerful words leaving a long lasting impression wherever she spoke. Sojourner Truth was a strong determined black woman and her words had an effect on everyone she spoke too. In 1851, Sojourner Truth became famous for her speech at the Womens Rights Convent...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Betsy Ross Made Me Love Reading

Im not sure why I chose the story of Betsy Ross. It may have been because she was female, or it may have been my curiosity about how a woman was chosen to sew the flag of our nation. The author took me back to the sasss, and made me feel like I was right there alongside Betsy. The story told of Betsy Grooms childhood raised with her sixteen siblings In the Quaker Church. Although Betsy knew she would be expelled from the Church and split from her family for marrying outside her faith, she married John Ross when she was 21 years old.The courage It took for Betsy to go against her familys wishes was Inspirational. I could not comprehend how she was able to leave everything she had ever known. The story went on to tell how the two of them began an upholstery business together since Betsy had excellent sewing skills. John and Betsy attended the First Christ Church in Philadelphia, and sat across the aisle from George and Martha Washington. I couldnt imagine how it would feel personally knowing the man who was soon to become President of the United States.Betsy recently embroidered ruffles for George Washingtons shirts and cuffs. In June of 1776, she was asked to sew the American Flag by George Washington, Robert Morris, and George Ross. The author was able to tell Bets story in such a way that I was fascinated and mesmerisms. I learned that books didnt have to be boring. I discovered that not only can you learn from books, you can be entertained. I remember that I read a lot of the biographies In the library that year. I read about George and Martha Washington, Abraham and Mary Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, JohnAdams, and Dooley Madison. Their stories took me back in time. They taught me how people lived in the past and about all the hardships they had to endure and overcome. Reading opened my eyes to other worlds and experiences. It improved my reading ability and comprehension skills which helped me in school. As I grew older, I continued to read. In middle school and high school I made friends with other girls who also enjoyed reading. Some of the other kids would make fun of me because I was often reading.Since was a chubby child, I was frequently picked on and bullied y the other students. Reading gave me an escape from this abuse. In books I could be someone else, someplace else, and not have to deal with the bad behavior of the other children. I would never have Imagined all those years ago that a simple school assignment would have started me on a life-long Journey with books. I love to disappear into the world of a novel, fall in love with its characters, and lose myself in sure neither she nor Betsy Ross would have ever imagined the impact they would have in my life.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What Should Be The Policy of The Social Network Based Corporations on Research Paper

What Should Be The Policy of The Social Network Based Corporations on The Use of Internet For Illegal or Criminal Activities - Research Paper Example It can be affirmed that a well-built or a relevant internet policy plays an essential role for an organization to protect credential information from any external threat. Moreover, the intermediaries associated with social media services also incorporate adequate provisions that ensure to prohibit users to practice different illegal activities. In relation to the present day context of rapidly growing vulnerabilities, the social networking service providers are likely to develop effective privacy policies to prevent users from being affected with the conduct of various criminal and unlawful activities.Moreover, the internet service providers in the global domain tend to adopt along with implement highly developed privacy policies concerning easy accessibility of internet usage due to growing vulnerabilities. In this regard, the internet policies of the global marketers highly incorporate strong regulations in order to protect information of the social media users along with their cre dentials from external threats.... ime, it has been witnessed that a growing number of unlawful or criminal activities by the users are performed through different social media and blogging internet sites. In this present day scenario, it can be viewed that the users often face certain threats while performing different activities in the online social media networks. In this regard, the organizations such as Google, Facebook and Twitters among others are highly focused on building strict policies in order to prohibit the conduct of various illegal activities associated with terrorism, sexual abuse and other similar practices through social networks. The security policies of the present social media websites ensure to keep the track of each user, regarding their posts along with comments made by their peers and other suspicious users. The provisions underneath the privacy policy of the aforesaid organizations also incorporate adequate measure concerning age, gender along with other determinant factors for reducing pote ntial hazards from the criminal issues. With respect to the policies associated with privacy of user contents, the organizations also tend to conduct user verification process in order to keep adequate safety of information along with personal contents. Moreover, the process also enables the organizations to prevent the conduct of illegal activities through the usage of internet medium (Vacca, 2012). 4. Government Policy Options With regard to determine the phenomenon of extensively growing number of social media users, the governmental policies along with the regulations can be apparently observed to frequently involve continuous development in protecting the abusive use of internet. The federal law associated with the use of internet comprises numerous policies that ensure effective use

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Effective culture of the new employees Term Paper

Effective culture of the new employees - Term Paper Example The world of work has rapidly been changing; changes appear to be happening more drastically. As part of an industrial organization, the human resource management (HRM) has to deal with a numerous effects in the changing world of work. This means that an organization does suffer implications like globalization, work force diversity, technological changes, changing skills requirement, employment involvement, continuous improvement initiatives and labour shortages (Bradley, 1998). New employee orientation covers the activities involved in introducing a new employee to the organizations up to one’s work unit. It expands on the information received during the recruitment and selection stages and helps to reduce the initial anxiety one feels when beginning a new job. The orientation program should familiarize the new member with the organizations objectives, history, philosophy, procedures and rules. It should communicate relevant policies such as work hours, pay procedures, overtime requirements and company benefits. Functions of a culture includes: Creating distinction between one organization and others, conveying a sense of identity for organizations members and facilitating the generation of commitment to something longer than other individual’s interest. It also enhances the stability of social system. More so employees do look up to the top management’s behaviour as a bench mark for defining appropriate behaviour. As such, culture communicates ethical expectations in an organization. The code of ethics are effectively designed and disseminated to avoid ambiguities in an organization. The code of ethics therefore, should state the organization’s primary values and ethical rules that employees are expected to follow. Dissemination is through; providing ethical training, setting up seminars, workshops and ethical training programs

Saturday, November 16, 2019

El Salvador A Country Report Essay Example for Free

El Salvador A Country Report Essay Introduction El Salvador or the Savior as the name can be translated is a very unexpectedly unique country. El Salvador is a country of many great geographical sites, a strange history, a blackened economic state, and an incredible agricultural base. The country has undergone many changes throughout its history. It was developed, owned, and operated by many different people and forms of government. This ?land of volcanoes? or ?the Savior? has been needed saving of its own for quite some time. 2.0 Geography The nickname for this environmentally hazardous country, ?land of volcanoes? serves El Salvador properly. El Salvador is the smallest of all Central American countries having a land area of only 21,041 sq. km (ecst.csuchico.edu). The country is also the only in Central America not to occupy more than one sea border, being only found on the Pacific Ocean. El Salvador is contained not only by the Pacific Ocean, but also by the two neighbor countries of Honduras and Guatemala. El Salvador is known more for it?s two mountain ranges both running east to west. The northern most range known as Sierra Madre that draws the border between El Salvador and Honduras. The southern range is a formation of many continuous volcanoes both active and silent. These volcanoes supply El Salvador with its rich soil making it possible for the great exportation of coffee. Climate change in El Salvador occurs more due to elevation variations than by seasonal change. During a calendar year Salvadorians can expect only a four-degree Celsius change due to seasons. The greater change in temperature occurs due to the different elevations. The two mountain ranges help very the climate and land usage of the country. El Salvador consists of a narrow coastal plain, two steep mountain ranges and a central plateau, which is at 600m above sea level. This plateau is only 25% of the landmass in El Salvador; however, it contains the majority of the countries population. Due to over exploitation the country has become semi-barren, and less of the land is of use. El Salvador is a very geographical diverse country. It possesses the same geographical features of the U.S., but all in the same land area as Rhode  Island. The country has become very over populated and has begun to exhaust its resources. 3.0 Pre-Columbian Cultures Before Spain sent men to explore and claim the countries of Central America native people occupied the land. These people where known as the Pipil. However, it is believed, due to archeological assessments that even before the Pipil natives of Central America known as the Mayas and Olmec occupied the land. The Mayas and Olmecs were believed to occupy the land until the 11th Century when the Pipil appeared following the collapse of the Mayan empire. The Pipil people were of a very strong and fierce origin. They were very good farmers and lived mostly on Maize. The Pipil had many small urban centers and a very integrated linked society. The Pipil people lived in their land for over 500 years. After that time Spain was introduced to their country and soon their freedom was lost. 4.0 Conquest Spain had come to Central America seeking wealth, and any landmass that could have that quality they would conquer and claim for the crown. Pedro de Alvarado a conquistador and Lieutenant under Hernan Cortes entered El Salvador in 1524 to conquer the land. However, due to the fierceness of the Pipil people Spain had to return in 1525 and again in 1528 to finally lay claim to the country. Spain found little wealth in the substance of gold and other valuable metals in El Salvador; however, they learned how great a benefit the rich soil of the volcanic country could be to agriculture. Spain soon after their conquest enslaved the Pipil people and forced them into an encomienda system of farming. The encomienda system soon lost favor with the crown and was replaced with repartiemento. Spain developed the country with this system and produced a great deal of wealth during the 17th century in agriculture. 5.0 Agriculture Agriculture is the foundation that El Salvador has been built upon throughout its entire history. Whether it was the Pipil people utilizing the rich soil or Spain controlling the land much wealth was  obtained in the country. 5.01 Indigenous The Pipil people lived as farmers and hunters in the country before any intruders appeared. They sustained their lives on crops such as maize, bananas, and other tropical foods. They traded these crops among one another and were able to be self-sufficient for many years. After the entrance of Spain to the country the natives were forced to work as slaves for the betterment of others. Spain introduced products such as coffee, cotton, and indigo to El Salvador. They found that the rich soil could produce coffee greater than any other country they had conquered prior to El Salvador. During the 17th century agriculture boomed in El Salvador, gluttony filled Spain with the wealth from coffee and thus began the downfall of the Salvadorian economy. 5.02 Present El Salvador produced many types of crops throughout its history such as henequen and cotton, but the country always centered itself on coffee production. Today, El Salvador produces far more coffee than any other crop in the country. Amid the 20th century, 95% of the countries income came from the exportation of coffee. This income was distributed over only 14 families (roughly 2% of population) whose influence has been seen over the countries history (Class Handout). In this way El Salvador takes on many similar traits of other Central American countries. 6.0 Independence Spain occupied the country for nearly 300 years throughout which they enslaved and persecuted the native people of El Salvador. Land control was only a dream in the eyes of the former owners. The influence of the Roman Catholic Church soon brought hopes of a revolution to the Indian people of El Salvador. In 1811 Father Jose Matias Delgado, a catholic priest led a revolt against Spain; however, with the great power of the crown against them it did not prove successful. Meanwhile in Spain, Napoleon led an invasion into the country reverting attention away from Central America and allowing El Salvador to eventually gain a limited amount of independence in 1821. Even though independence was given to the Salvadorian during this time, people land control still  remained in the hands of few. This led to an Indian rebellion in 1833 brought about by a mestizo, Anastasio Aquino. Eventually in 1841, El Salvador found its independence by the introduction of the Central American Federation. This was an alliance against Spain of neighboring Central American countries seeking their independence. Thus began the history of El Salvador, which led to many civil wars, conflicts, and disputes among other countries and itself. 7.0 Economics in El Salvador El Salvador has seen many changes throughout its history, both politically and economically. El Salvador has followed the majority of Central American countries by making itself a dependent on one or two exportable goods. The country has also faced many conflicts in politics and environmental hazards. El Salvador?s economy has inevitably been destined for the worse by the countries governing order. 7.01 Colonial Before the invasion of the conquistadors into the country the Pipil lived a pleasant and peaceful life of trade. The Pipil obtained many small urban centers in which trade among them proved successful. They did not have a monetary unit but rather bartered for what they desired. They lived a self-sufficient life only producing their needs. The Pipil people may have evolved and become a worthy heritage in the world if they had not been conquered by the conquistadors of Spain. 7.02 Early (1820-1920) Soon El Salvador and the rich soil of the land were under Spanish control. Spain found great profit in the enrichment of the land. Coffee, indigo, and cotton yielded greater than they had seen prior to conquest. Spain felt that this was equal to the gold and other values found in the countries surrounding El Salvador. During the 17th century the agriculture of El Salvador was of great wealth, and Spain indulged upon it. The Spaniards developed many haciendas to expand their crops this involved many Indian people to subdue to the work needed. The first evidence of primate cities developed during this time. This would sooner lead to an unexpected need for imported goods and a profound lack of self-efficiency. 7.03 Mid (1920-1980) During and after El Salvador?s independence the country  found itself depending console upon the growth of the coffee crop. 95% of the countries exports depended upon coffee, but still only 2% of the population controlled the wealth (Lonely Planet). The Salvadorians exhausted themselves upon focusing on this item and developed no other means of exportation. Amid the first and second world wars Central America was abandoned by the rest of the world and forced to find a way to survive among themselves. This brought upon industrialization to the forgotten world, and El Salvador attempted to follow the plan. The country produced only the essential items for survival, and chose rather to fight civilly for control of the country. El Salvador faced many disputes during this time, and many forms of leadership. Democracies, civil wars, peasant uprisings, and Military Coups were among the problems that the country faced. It was only during the later years of the countries history that true leadership was developed, and a greater economic scheme was gained. 7.04 1980-Present Primate cities have know become a large part of Salvadorian economy. These few and large cities have been growing without any means of renewal. The country finds itself now separated by wealth and poverty. The fourteen families mentioned before were still controlling the majority of the coffee production and with no found wealth in industrialization El Salvador was growing in debt. The national debt of El Salvador has only grown over the countries history. This is from the foreign aid supplied to the country to help with recovery of natural disasters, and in the form of military aid. Due to El Salvador?s placement in the world it has been faced by many environmental hazards. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and landslides due to extreme rainfall give threat to this debt. Also in 1998 El Salvador fell victim to hurricane Mitch. Mitch destroyed not only many of the profitable livestock and agricultural farms of Central America, but also devastated many lives of the people living in its path. El Salvador lost 95% of its banana crop and one third of the countries beef cattle industry (Class Handout). This crushed the already terrible state of the Salvadorian economy and only added to the  increasing national debt. Some current facts in the economic stability of El Salvador can be seen in the following. The currency of the country is known as the collone. Eleven collones is roughly equivalent to one U.S. dollar. The exportation of goods to the U.S. each year equals $732 million. Where as the importation of goods from the U.S. each year equals $1.789 billion dollars. The GDP of El Salvador is $5.9 billion U.S. each year. This is only $1,003 U.S. per capita. The growth rate of the GDP is currently at 5.0%, and has been continuously increasing. However, even with the GDP on an upswing for El Salvador the debt to the U.S. has also increased to $2.1 billion U.S (cia.gov). These numbers show that with El Salvador?s population, and the amount of GDP to the country that few people have great wealth and even more are in poverty. 8.0 Population El Salvador is a very densely populated country. The majority of the people in El Salvador live in only 25% of the total land mass known as the central plateau. The total population is over 6.2 million with a growth rate of 2.3% (Cia.gov). This population will be doubled in 30 years. Due to the growth rate percent the country is caught between the second and third categories in the demographic chart, but primarily they still are evolving in the second. With this great a number of people in such a small area poverty is unavoidable. 8.01 Urbanization Urbanization has not been a large issue with El Salvador. Although some of their large primate cities carry a large percent of the population, such as San Salvador the capital that holds 1.5 million people, many people chose to stay in rural areas. The ratio of the urban population to rural population is 3:2. This ratio could be explained due to the need for agricultural revenue, and the need for people to create that revenue. With the extent of the over population of El Salvador many people have been forced to find other means of income and a safer home. 8.02 Migration Over population and greed have created poverty in El Salvador and a need for new revenue. This is why much of the income from the country  consists of wages paid from the United States to migrant workers fleeing from El Salvador. $1.3 billion U.S. was sent to families of these seasonal migrant workers in El Salvador. This allows those living in El Salvador to find a little hope in their country and a means of better living. During, much of the time of the civil wars and poverty states of El Salvador many of the countries people began to migrate to Honduras. This appeared to be allowed at first until a wide spread amount of migration occurred. The great amount of people fleeing to Honduras soon became a problem and great tension rose between the two neighboring countries. This accounted for the great soccer riot in 1969 brought upon through allegations that were made about mistreatment of Salvadorian people by the Honduras population. 9.0 U.S. Intervention The United States has always been concerned with the matters of other countries, particularly by the form of the government. When it became obvious that El Salvador may fall into left wing ideals to help with the poverty level in the country the U.S. reacted. It was during the Carter administration that this occurred and Jimmy?s solution was to fund right-wing guerillas in the country. These guerillas were know as the FMLN (Frente Marti Liberacion Nacional) named after an executed leader who brought reforms to the country and a democracy in the early to mid 20th century. Carter soon withdrew his funding after hearing of misuse of the military power by the FMLN. The FMLN became mongers and began to hurt innocent people and become closer in comparison to their socialist enemy. With a suspension of the funding the country fell back into turmoil and was once again caught in left-wing ideals. It was during the Reagan administration that the funding returned with close watch. Soon the guerillas were able to gain control, and force what was to be marked the first time in 50 years that a democratically elected president was named. This man was Alfredo Magana, and he brought some control and leadership to this war shaken country (Encyc. Of Latin-American Hist.). The U.S. has also been involved with El Salvador in other ways. The U.S. is the number one importer of Salvadorian goods mainly coffee. Also due to the great devastation in the country by natural disasters the U.S. has given  foreign aid to help rebuild the economy and lives of the people. If El Salvador can maintain this relationship with the U.S. the countries future is bound to look better than it?s past. 10.0 Globalization The world is a growing economical structure that every country wants to be a part of, and with growing concern about each countries role a hope for globalization can be seen. El Salvador is attempting to do its part in becoming a companion with globalization, during the end of the 20th century the maquiladora system was approached by El Salvador. These small manufacturing companies account for a major part of the countries GDP. These companies are also followed by new trade reforms with other neighboring countries. Trade with U.S. has only improved over the last few years. If El Salvador keeps improving on the relations with its neighboring countries then it may be a substantial part of the world economy. 11.0 Other Facts and Conclusion In conclusion, here are some other known facts about the country of El Salvador. In January of 2001 El Salvador faced a devastating earthquake. The quake caused 250,000 Salvadorians to become homeless, and also severely eroded the landscape (Lonely Planet.com). Some of the native animals of the country consist of many butterflies, deer, toucans, and monkeys. The adult literacy of the country is at 73% and growing (memory.loc.gov). 86% of the country follows the Roman Catholic religion. The ethnic background of the country is mainly mestizo, which is a mixture of Indian, white, and black (Latin America). Some of the favorite foods consist of casamiento (rice and beans) and pupusas, which is a stuffed wrap. El Salvador is a very unique country that wishes to find its niche in the world. Through much turmoil and disputes the country has for now maintained a solid government. With the continuation of good soil and less erosion the agricultural state of the country will continue to prosper. However, with increasing population the country suffers a loss in GDP, and will only gain a profitable state with better living, less poverty, and other means of income. El Salvador ?the Savior? a country whose history speaks for itself will need outside aid for some years to come. Selected Illustrations El Salvador?s Flag The Country of El Salvador Henequin also a Salvadorian Crop Example of El Salvador?s Terran San Salvador the Capital of El Salvador

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Dramatic Presentation of Truth, Justice and Morality in The Crucibl

The Dramatic Presentation of Truth, Justice and Morality in The Crucible "The Crucible" is essentially a story about witchcraft, but the one key theme which occurs throughout the play and plays a fundamental part in it, is justice. A large proportion of the play is actually set in court, the "house of justice", which is a very symbolic way of showing its importance. Normally in every day life, the judge of the court is the person who brings out the justice in the cases brought forwards, but in "The Crucible" it is not always clear if this is the case; sometimes it even seems to be the other way round. Often there are times when pivotal characters such as John Proctor will question Judge Hathorn or Deputy Governor Danforth's decisions and reasoning, and sometimes even the verdict, and the reader will see that in a lot of these cases, the two most powerful and influential men in the town are often in the wrong. This does not say a lot for the justice system in place in Salem. A prime example of this is in Act Two, when the authorities are trying to arrest Elizabeth for having a needle in a poppet in her house, because of something Abigail Williams has said. John becomes angry and says, "why do you never wonder if Parris be innocent, or Abigail? Is the accuser always holy now? Were they born this morning as clean as God's fingers?" This is a very good argument, and one which the reader feels grateful to John for pointing out. It is a long running error in the play, that infuriates the reader, to think that the only people with enough power to put things right seem completely oblivious to the fact that they are missing the blindingly ob... ...were hunted like the witches in Salem, and made to name other communists to prove they had abandoned their left wing views. Many fell to McCarthyism, but a few stood up for their beliefs - Arthur Miller being one of them. This is reflected in John Proctor throughout the play, and both men share the same thoughts and morals. It is obvious that Miller really wanted to put across the idea of being an individual, and standing up for what you believe in, and to show the irony of how unjust the justice system really was in those days, and still is in some places. It is clear he was very passionate about these things, and it really comes across in this play - just the words are enough to give a good impression of what he is trying to show, and builds up an image of each of the characters which the reader can really relate to.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Literature Comparison Between a Short Story and a Poem Essay

Literature? This form of entertainment had been around for ages, whether be in a form of a Poetry, a Drama or a Short Story. This Type of literature had been used by Poets and Authors to convey their deepest desires, feelings, Ideas, amazing imaginations which makes us, whoever we want and an escape to daily normal life and with this making it humorous and lively. Everyone definitely have been exposed to a genre of literature in their life at one point. It comes from the French language and is used to identify types or categories of literature. Clugston, 2010). This can be further classified or in such a way, be selected by the readers by type they can relate into. One might consider reading short stories quietly or pronounce a poem loudly to get into the climax, bringing such poems rhythm into life. A novel, A short story, A tragic or splendid drama and poems that entice every that hears it, these different types of literature brings the authors work into life for the readers to see , feel or hear. The two short stories I have chosen to compare and contrast is the poem â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death† written by Emily Dickinson in 1890/1983 and story â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty† written by James Thurber in 1939. These two stories take place in two different time periods. The main character, in each story, differs in death and position. However, these two stories share a similar message concerning life and marriage. Obviously, Emily Dickinson and James Thurber are two very different writers who lived in different periods, but their shared internal struggles with marriage, life and escapism undeniably connects them. Surely, each of these stories is a literary portrait of marriage, but more specifically, each is a description of the constraints of marriage for both men and women. Each story explores a married individual’s loss of self and the need to revisit independence through some form of escapism. In Emily Dickinson of â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death†, a woman with a weak heart discovers her husband has been killed in an accident. Instead of expressing sadness, she becomes invigorated when she realizes the new life his death has granted her only to die upon learning she was misinformed and he’s alive. In the same way, James Thurber’s â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty† visits the restrictive nature of a civil union by detailing the persistent day dreaming of a married man who is held captive by his own lack of self-confidence and his wife’s overbearing nature. Furthermost, the life understanding of any author has an excessive influence on the subject matter he/she chooses for the base of the story being written. It is important to know the circumstances of the perspectives and ideas of the theme. An author’s background or environment is often offers the source of the author’s motivation. Emily Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts in December of 1830 to Edward Dickinson and Emily Norcross Dickinson. Emily spent her childhood and adulthood living in the family home with her sister Lavinia. Emily received her education through the local schools and at Mount Holyoke Female Seminary (Johnson). Emily appeared to have an active and social presence in society until her return from a trip to Philadelphia in the early part of the 1850’s. It is said that her withdrawal from society began shortly after her return from Philadelphia because she had fallen in love with a married minister (Emily Dickinson). It has also been said that Emily suffered an emotional crisis in the early 1860’s that led to her writing over three hundred poems in 1862 (Because I Could Not Stop for Death). Emily began to isolate herself even more after the death of her father in 1874 and the death of her mother in 1882. In the early part of 1886 Emily was diagnosed with a kidney dysfunction that she later died of in May of that same year (Emily Dickinson). On the other hand, James Thurber was born on December 8, 1894. Thurber was encouraged by his family as well as society to advance himself socially. He had two brothers and a father to constantly enforce male views. However, his mother was dominant personality of the family. Described as a larger than life, born comedienne, Mary Anne (Mame) Fisher Thurber was a source of inspiration for her son’s literary works. James Thurber attended college at Ohio State University from 1913 to 1918. Shortly after returning from Paris, France as a code clerk for the U.  S. Department of State, Thurber married Althea Adams. Unfortunately, the marriage was troubled and ended in divorce 12 years later in 1935. Emily Dickinson of â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death† and James Thurber’s â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty† are both great literary works. Although these stories are well written, they both own a different character. Emily’s story is a solemn and c ompacts with the matter of death and tragedy events involving a women who remains so busy that she never has time to stop and think about anything else, including death. In contrast, Thurber’s story has a comedic sensibility presented through the acts of a somewhat unlucky man. â€Å"The main theme of this story is escapism, in which the main character deals with his everyday frustrations by escaping into daydreams† (Cummings, 2009). Alongside the advantage of the enormous differences, a commonality exists which describes the negative compromise of situation. This compromise is projected from two very different points of view. One story is told from the perspective of a woman appears to not be afraid of â€Å"Death† or â€Å"Immortality† and joins them on the carriage ride. The woman’s acceptance to take a carriage ride with â€Å"Death† suggests that the woman has no fear of dying and welcomes death happily. The other story is stated through a man who daydreams of various jobs and want to define himself a very timid husband that uses his imagination to cope with his wife and the various aspects of married life. It is just as important to indication, these two stories were not only written from opposite viewpoints, but they were also written 45 years apart. Even though these two different story in a time periods symbolize a great change in social approaches and social practices, it decide that Dickinson’s character’s escapism is rooted in reality and Thurber’s character’s escapism is imagined, each story’s main character’s desire to escape is the same. In Dickinson’s â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death†, the first thing we learn about the main character, is that she appears to not be afraid of â€Å"Death† or â€Å"Immortality† and joins them on the carriage ride. The carriage slowly moves along as if there is no time schedule and â€Å"Death† has no pressing matters. The woman seems as if she no longer has a care in world and nothing else matters except her carriage ride with â€Å"Death†. The carriage signifies a coffin inside of a horse during a funeral procession. The slowness in which the carriage is moving could be the result of a slow death for the woman, meaning, that her death could have resulted from a disease or disability that kills slowly over a period of time. The woman still appears to be unafraid because of â€Å"Death’s† civility. As they pass the school where the children strove in the ring at recess, she reflects on her on childhood. As they slowly move passed the school yard, they pass the fields of gazing grain, in which she reflects upon her adulthood. â€Å"Death† then drives passed the setting sun. The driving passed the setting sun has two representations: 1) for mortals, who gage the time they have left in the day, and 2) for immortals, the passing into another life – death. At this point she realized just how slow â€Å"Death† is driving, it is at such a slow pace, it is as if they are not moving and the sun has passed them. The Dews drawing a quivering chill is just another indication of her death. When the woman makes reference to â€Å"For only Gossamer, my Gown – My Tippet – only Tulle†, she is referring to her clothing. She feels as if she is not dressed appropriately hence the chill, which is another indicator of death or a spiritual presence. As they are paused before what she perceives as a house in the distance, she is only able to see what she believes to be the roof. She is so comfortable with death that she does not realize the house with the swelling ground is actually her grave site, which also explains the reasoning behind the cornice appearing to be in the ground. She is actually observing the house from her grave. This setting affects the character because now she has realized all the things she has missed out on, and how much she is gaining from this carriage ride. Since she has taken away her labors and her leisure she has time to look at all the wonderful things of life. Therefore, in James Thurber’s â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, the main character, Walter Mitty, this man was a hopeless daydreamer as well as a unique individual in many ways. I imagined seeing Walter in a navy airplane as a very small grey haired elderly gentleman, also as a surgeon trying to help an Englishman in his time of need as well. Walter seemed to be a very intelligent yet cunning individual, with a great imagination, as well as a great sense of humor. I would have loved to meet this man when he was living as I believe the stories that Walter had were very interesting to listen to. I enjoyed reading the story and learned a lot about a man named Walter Mitty. According to the story that was written I gathered that Walters wife was a very demanding and also controlling person. Walter followed her lead and did everything that was asked of him by Mrs. Mitty. Although she did not give Walter a chance to be himself as she controlled Walters every move. When asked to meet her at the hotel Walter was sure to follow what she had asked of him, although when Mrs. Mitty arrived at the hotel Walter was nowhere to be found as he was sitting in a chair turned towards a window having yet another daydream. Mrs. Mitty got very upset when she could not find Walter anywhere. When she did finally locate him she fussed at him about the fact that Walter seemed to be hiding from her. Even though this was not the case. Mrs. Mitty had her own ideas as well as thoughts about her husband and was not changing her mind. The way I understand his wife she is definitely in charge of the household and what goes on there. I believe the way Walter escapes from the anxiety of his wife nagging him by daydreaming as he can block out all of things she says to him that stress Walter out. Then Walter is in his own little world away from all of the worries and anxieties of daily life. Both â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death† and â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty† are written as short stories and both display characteristics of a drama but not throughout. However, the poem and stories could be altered a bit and turned into great plays! The authors Emily Dickinson and James Thurber each had their own way of applying different basics into their pieces of work. Although each author successfully connected their messages through their work. Both stories revolve around the same theme of a life or imagination but with completely different content and style. Each short story could be turned into and performed as a play that would be both entertaining and interesting. These short stories or poem had many similarities and differences but the final results of each of the poem or stories was that they were well constructed, easily understood and they each were very unique.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Nature Of Ergonomics Health And Social Care Essay

‘Ergonomics ‘ comes from two Grecian words, ‘ergos ‘ ( work ) and ‘nomos ‘ ( natural Torahs ) . Murrell developed the name in 1949 after working with a squad of physiologists, anatomists and applied scientists at Cambridge University during World War II on the design of arm systems to accommodate worlds ( Murrell 1975 ) . At the terminal of the War, the group stayed together to organize the Ergonomics Research Society, which became the precursor of similar administrations that exist in many states today. In the United States of America, this activity is referred to as Human Factors and several thousand full-time professionals are members of the Human Factors Society. In Australia, the Ergonomics Society of Australia Inc3 is besides a strong association with about 650 professionals working in the countries of biotechnologies, occupational wellness and safety, and design. Biotechnologies is the scientific survey of people, their work and their environment and utilizations informations derived from technology, anatomical, physiological and psychological beginnings ( Standards Association of Australia 1976, p. 6 ) . The Standards Association papers described biotechnologies as â€Å" the design of work so that the best usage is made of human capablenesss without transcending human restrictions † ( Standards Association of Australia 1976, p. 6 ) . This description was supported by Worksafe Australia ( 1989a, p. 44 ) , which stated that biotechnologies: purposes to advance the wellbeing, safety and efficiency of the worker by the survey of his or her capablenesss and restrictions in relation to the work system, machine or undertaking and in relation to the physical, psychological and societal environment in which he or she works. A more elaborate definition describes biotechnologies as: that subdivision of scientific discipline and engineering that includes what is known and theorized about human behavioral and biological features that can be validly applied to the specification, design, rating, operation, and care of merchandises and systems to heighten safe, effectual, and fulfilling usage by persons, groups and organisations ( Christensen et Al. 1988 ) . More late the Ergonomics Society of Australia Inc ( ESA ) ( 2001, p. 2 ) adopted the definition of biotechnologies as approved by the International Ergonomics Association, as follows: Biotechnologies ( or human factors ) is the scientific subject concerned with the apprehension of the interactions among worlds and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, rules, informations and methods to plan in order to optimize human good being and overall system public presentation. This definition placed accent on biotechnologies as a ‘systems-oriented subject ‘ . The ESA noted that â€Å" ergonomists must hold a wide apprehension of the full range of the subject, taking into history the physical, cognitive, societal, organizational, environmental and other relevant factors, and that they may work in peculiar ‘application spheres ‘ , depicting three spheres as: Physical Ergonomics – concerned with human anatomical, anthropometric, physiological and biomechanical features as they relate to physical activity. Cognitive Ergonomics – concerned with mental procedures, such as perceptual experience, memory, concluding and motor response, as they affect interactions among worlds and other elements of a system. Organizational Ergonomics – concerned with the optimization of sociotechnical systems, including their organizational constructions, policies and procedures ( ESA 2001, p. 2 ) . Historically, the development of biotechnologies in Australia was closely associated with occupational wellness and safety due to the high incidence of musculoskeletal hurts in the workplace. Since so, the demand for a holistic attack â€Å" to counter the increasing impact of rapid technological alteration has been emphasized † ( Bullock 1999, p. 36 ) . Biotechnologies is â€Å" an attack † , â€Å" a doctrine † , â€Å" a manner of taking history of people in the manner we design and organize things † ( Wilson 1990, p. 3 ) that may be used to supply an environment in which worlds can bring forth their work in harmoniousness with ‘the machine ‘ to the improvement of work quality and measure and the care or betterment of the physical and behavioural environment. The application of biotechnologies within administrations can ensue in improved working techniques, decreased mistakes and accidents, improved industrial dealingss, and increased efficiency. By diminishing disablement and increasing work satisfaction and productiveness, biotechnologies contributes to a better quality of work life. The doctrine is to â€Å" change the undertaking to accommodate human capacity, instead than force the human to accommodate to an inappropriate undertaking † ( Patkin 1987, pp. 2, 4 ) . Among the cardinal issues related to optimum human interaction with computing machines were the physical layout of the computer science environment, illuming degrees and sound degrees ( Harper 1991, p. 39 ) . In an attempt to continually better the on the job conditions for computing machine users, biotechnologies research workers studied jobs related to equipment, furniture and the workstation environment. However, Patkin ( cited in Moore 1990, p. 45 ) noted that, while holding a suited environment and well-designed furniture and equipment is of import, it is besides of import that people â€Å" cognize how to utilize it right and integrate it into the sum work topographic point system † . The last clause is a major focal point of this thesis.ERGONOMIC RISK FACTORSBiotechnologies hazard factors are the facets of a occupation or undertaking that impose a biochemical emphasis on the worker. Biotechnologies hazard factors are the interactive elements of musculoskeletal disease jeopardies. The undermentioned ergonomic hazard factors are most likely to do or lend to an MSD. aˆ? repeat aˆ? force aˆ? contact emphasiss aˆ? awkward position aˆ? quiver aˆ? cold temperature aˆ? extrinsic emphasis It is of import to understand what a hazard factor is, or instead is non. A hazard factor itself is non needfully a causing agent for any peculiar MSD. Most of the times it is non merely the presence of a hazard factor, but the degree to which the hazard factor is conveyed that may take to MSDs. Similarly, to the extent a MSD instance is due to a hazard factor, sometimes it will be a combination of multiple hazard factors, instead than any individual factor, which contributes to or causes an MSD. It is besides important to observe, in measuring any peculiar instance of a MSD, that hazard factors may be experienced by the affected individual during non-occupational activities. when covering with any ergonomic issue, it would be a mistake to concentrate entirely on the workplace. Furthermore, non every person exposed to any or all of these hazard factors will develop a MSD. Nor, for that affair, will any two individuals who are exposed to the same combination of hazard factors and in the same phase, respond to them in the same manner. However, because these are common factors that may convey approximately to a MSD in some combination and in some persons, these seven hazard agents are discussed in greater item below.Repeats.Repeat rate is determined as the mean figure of motions or efforts executed by a joint or a organic structure nexus within a unit of clip. Repeated indistinguishable or similar gestures performed over a period of clip may do over-extension and overexploitation of some musculus groups, which may take to muscular fatigue. Interestingly, symptoms often associate non to the sinew and musculus groups involved in insistent motions, but to the stabilizing or counter sinew and musculus groups used to put and stabilise the appendage in infinite. Frequently, by altering undertakings, musculus groups have periods of activity interchanged with periods of remainder, which may be good in cut downing the cause of hurt.Force.Force is the mechanical or physical attempt to put to death a specific gesture or effort. Tasks or gestures that require application of higher force topographic point higher mechanical tonss on musculuss, sinews, ligaments and articulations. Tasks affecting high forces may do musculuss to tire more rapidly. High forces may besides take to annoyance, redness, strains and cryings of musculuss, sinews and other tissues. The force required to finish a motion additions when other hazard factors are besides involved. For illustration more physical attempt may be needed to execute undertakings when the velocity or acceleration of gestures additions, when quiver is present, or when the undertaking besides requires awkward positions. Force can be internal, such as when tenseness develops within the musculuss, ligaments and sinews during motion. Force can be external, as when a force is applied to the organic structure, either voluntarily or involuntarily. Forceful motions is most frequently associated with the motion of heavy tonss, such as raising heavy objects on and off a conveyer, presenting heavy bundles, forcing a heavy cart, or traveling a palette. Hand tools that involve pinch clasps require more forceful efforts than those that allow other clasps, such as power clasps.Contact Stresses.Contact emphasis consequences from periodic, repeated or uninterrupted contact between sensitive organic structur e tissue and difficult or crisp object. Contact emphasis normally affects the soft tissue on the fingers, thenars, forearms, shins, thighs and pess. This contact may make force per unit area over a little country of the organic structure ( e.g. carpus, forearm ) that may suppress blood flow, sinew and musculus gesture and nervus map. Examples of contact emphasis include resting carpuss on the crisp border of a desk or workstation when executing undertakings, pressing of tool grips into the thenar, particularly when they can non be put down, undertakings that involve manus pound, and sitting without equal remainder for the articulatio genuss.Awkward PositionPosition is the arrangement of a portion of the organic structure comparative to an next portion as measured by the angle of the joint associating them. Postural emphasis is seting on an extreme position at or shut to the normal scope of gesture. Position is one of the most frequently mentioned occupational hazard factors. There is an inert country of gesture for every jointing articulation in the organic structure. For each joint the scope of gesture is determined by motions that do non affect high muscular force or cause inordinate uncomfortableness. Injury hazards increase whenever work requires an single to put to death undertakings with organic structure sections outside their impersonal scope in a amused position. The upper arm and shoulder zone impersonal position is relaxed with the shoulders down and on the same degree, with weaponries at the side. Operating with the weaponries abducted off from the organic structure, overextended and shoulders stooped puts these articulations at the terminal of their normal scope of gesture, requires more muscular force and greatly increases the hazard for hurt. Labored sitting places, such as leaning sideways, writhing the vertebral column, flexing frontward or slouching Begin in response to compensation for specific work relationships but can go wont over clip. Position and positioning profile factors such as torso turn, tipped shoulders, caput tilt/rotation, raised cubituss ( either dominant, non-dominant, or both ) and runing with custodies near to the face are associated with increased hazard of musculoskeletal symptoms.VibrationVibration is the oscillating gesture of a physical organic structure. Vibration has been found to be an aetiologic factor in work environments utilizing tools vibrating in the frequence set of 20 to 80 hertz. localized quiver, such as quiver of the manus and arm, occurs when a specific portion of the organic structure comes into contact with vibrating objects such as powered manus tools ( e.g. concatenation saw, electric drill, come offing cock ) or equipment ( e.g. wood planing machine, punch imperativeness, boxing machine ) . Whole-body quiver occurs when standing or sitting in vibrating environments ( e.g. driving a truck over rough roads ) or when utilizing heavy vibrating equipment that requires whole organic structure engagement ( e.g. air hammers )Cold Temperature.Cold temperature refer to exposure to excessive cold while executing work undertakings. Cold temperatures can cut down the sleight and sensitiveness of the custodies. Cold temperatur es, for illustration, do the worker to use more clasp force to keep and tools and objects. Besides, prolonged contact with cold surfaces ( e.g. managing cold meat ) can impair sleight and bring on numbness. Cold is a job when it is present with other hazard factors and is particularly debatable when it is present with quiver exposure. Of these hazard factors, force ( i.e. forceful efforts ) , repeat and awkward positions, particularly when happening at high degrees or in combination, are most frequently associated with the happening of MSDs. Exposure to one ergonomic factor may be adequate to do or lend to a covered MSD. However, most frequently ergonomic hazard factors act in combination to make a jeopardy. Jobs that have a multiple hazard factor have a greater likeliness of doing an MSD, depending on the continuance, frequence and/or magnitude of exposure to each. Therefore, it is of import that ergonomic hazard factors be considered in visible radiation of their combined consequence in doing or lending to an MSD.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Romeo and Juliet The Movie essays

Romeo and Juliet The Movie essays When I first saw Romeo and Juliet I was amazed by the effects and the story surrounding it. This version of Romeo and Juliet is a wildly passionate love story that captures the brightly burning emotions of youth. Baz Luhrmann the director of Romeo and Juliet takes Shakespeares famous play and updates it to the hip modern suburb of Verona but still retaining its original dialogue. The gun toting members of the families wage a vicious war on the streets as the star-crossed lovers, their tragic destiny. It is a rivalry between the Hispanic Montagues and the punk Capulets. Luhrmann wanted a realistic updating of the famous Shakespeare story so he decided to present the Montague and the Capulet family as rich people in a modern world. In the original Shakespeare play the families were wealthy so Luhrmann is trying to stick to the story as much as possible in this tale. When Baz Luhrmann chose Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes as Romeo and Juliet because he was hoping to make a Romeo and Juliet that was accessible to young audiences. He wanted the perfect couple, good looking and youthful so his choice of main actors is therefore... one word love. Harold Perrineau (Mercutio) and John Leguizamo (Tybalt) were chosen because they are the typical type to play that character. John was able to give this bad boy image for Tybalt while Harold was able to make Mercutio funny and charming yet a perfect fighter when need be. These were the perfect characters to watch over Romeo and Juliet. Miriam Margolyes tends toward caricature as a Hispanic Nurse, but is always understandable and occasionally funny, while Peter Postlethwaite turns in the films strongest performance as the morally ambiguous Father Laurence For the play Luhrmann gives each actor a different type of style of clothing to suit his or her characters though he makes sure its very modern. He gives Tybalt a gothic bad...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Employee Reward and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Employee Reward and Development - Essay Example al., 2004). With this concern, there are many approaches that are accessible in the field of human resource management such as coaching or mentoring, e-learning or blended learning, management or leadership development. Furthermore, HR practices of organisations are implementing the various approaches of employee development since it has been identified as a supporting and motivational component for employees to provide high performance in organisation (Stewart, 1999). With regards to this, the aim of the paper is to identify the concept of coaching or mentoring approach among the existing various approaches. It also includes the argument for and against the chosen approach with the assistance of academic literature and research reports. In addition, the paper provides the challenges and issues related with the coaching in order to measure the effectiveness of the approach which in turn endow with the effective evidence to achieve the objectives of an organisation. Concept of Coachin g and Mentoring Coaching and mentoring are considered as the two employee development methods that foster the ability of an employee in order to improve behaviour and level of the performance. The concept of coaching and mentoring are similar. However, the processes of each other are creating differentiation between them (Brooks, 2006). Coaching tends to be recognised as more task-oriented, skill focused and time-bound. On the contrary, mentoring is more focused on ‘open-ended personal development’. The process of coaching deals with instruction, discussion and guidance which are provided by the coach to the coached person. Whereas, the process of mentoring takes place through a conversation that assists the mentee in order to learn from the mentor (Deans & et. al., 2006). Coaching and mentoring programs are playing significant roles amongst employees and organisations as these programs help to establish a connection between organisational goals and objectives. At the s ame time, they are also concerned about personal development requirements of individual employees. Therefore, coaching and mentoring can be measured as ‘two way relationship’ with both the organisation as well as the employee in order to gain adequate benefits (Whitmore, 2002). Growing Application of Coaching As an Employee Development Process Compared To Others Source: (Jarvis & et. al., 2004). With a purpose to show the growing application of coaching in order to develop the performance and productivity of the employee and the organisation, the above figure has been extracted from the survey report of Chartered Institute of Personal and Development (CIPD). It can be identified from the above figure that the application of formal classroom-based training with regard to the employee development is in recent times becoming a rarity in an organisation. HR practices are applying much highly developed and effective technique for the betterment of the employees which in turn assist an organisation to progress in the path of

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Recruitment and Staffing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Recruitment and Staffing - Essay Example One of the major ways of attracting potential employees is providing an integrated benefits scheme. Even though majority of the job applicants are keen on the amount of salaries paid, flexible benefits play a vital role of ensuring that qualified employees are attracted in an organisation. Such benefits include training, bonuses, promotion, insurance cover, holidays and inclusion of the employees in the decision making process. One of the major aspects that potential employees look for is the chance to develop (Wanous, 1992). It is worth to note that new graduates in the labor market do not only seek for employment opportunities that are in line with their skills but also they prefer companies that make them to develop. In this regard, companies should adopt part time training and postgraduate education as key ways of attracting potential employees. Another key way of attracting potential employees is through provision of adequate information that covers both the merits and demerits of the vacant jobs. This can be done through placing adverts in the newspapers and on the banners as well in the social sites. As the technology improves, companies have now embarked on creating websites where job applicants can look for vacant position and upload their resumes. In this way, a strong relationship between potential employees and employers is enhanced. Apart from undertaking a fair recruitment process, provision of rewards and other benefits are primary aspects that organisation should not overlook. In their job advertisements organisations should indicate the kind of benefits that potential employees will be exposed to. These include training, promotion, opportunities to develop, holidays, annual leave among other benefits. Additionally, companies should emulate internet as a major way of communicating with the potential employees based on the increased use of social sites especially by the young graduate seeking for employment